How many classes are taken at a time?

Students who are working full time are advised that enrolling in two courses per semester is a challenging academic load. Students who elect to register for more than two courses should be working less than full time to successfully manage three or more courses per semester. Students expecting to take three or more courses (except international students seeking a visa, who are required to be in a full-time classification) should consult their program director/adviser prior to registration to ensure their course load is appropriate for their individual case. Students taking two courses (6-8 credits) per semester are considered half-time enrolled. The full-time course load for a graduate student is three to four courses (9-12 credits) per semester. Some programs require permission from the academic adviser before enrolling in three or more courses. Students have five years to complete their academic program from the start of their first graduate-level course within their academic program, and it is highly recommended that students take the appropriate time to do well in all courses. Students must be enrolled in two courses at a time to receive financial aid.