What resources does the school provide for students with disabilities?

The Johns Hopkins University is committed to providing reasonable and appropriate accommodations to students with disabilities. For persons with disabilities, it is important to provide a request for accommodation form along with a comprehensive evaluation of a specific disability from an appropriate qualified diagnostician that identifies the type of disability, describes the current level of functioning in an academic setting, and lists recommended accommodations. All documentation will be reviewed, and reasonable accommodations will be provided based on the student's needs.

Depending on the accommodation, there may be a time delay before accommodations can be implemented. It is preferred, not required, for students to contact aapdisability@jhu.edu in the School of Arts and Sciences Advanced Academic Programs four weeks prior to the beginning of each semester or event to ensure that services will be available. An accommodation request form and further information can be foundĀ here. Regarding university-wide disability concerns, contact 202-663-5956 or visit https://studentaffairs.jhu.edu/disabilities/.